Toby the Tree Frog

Toby the Tree Frog

One night the tree frogs were all doing what they do every night . . .croaking. Toby was new at this game. You see, Toby was just a little guy.

So Toby was joining in, sorta squeeking rather than croaking. Trying not to be too loud, less the others noticed. In fact, Toby got this really great idea. Since he was still practicing his croak, he would just move over a bit, away from the others. And there he set, atop the ledge, squeezing and croaking. And actually enjoying it quite well.

Until . . . Toby, with mouth all set for another big croak, over did it a bit, and managed to catapult himself right off the ledge. Feet up in the air, head over heel, again and again, down the cliff he fell.

Tobey became just a pile of legs, arms, and a very still head at the bottom of the cliff. There he lay, just a pile. No movement. OOPS! We have lost Toby.

For hours . . . for days . . . there was no Toby. The croaking frogs had no clue. Where did he go? He was such a cute little fellow. He was missed. Where did he go?

Night after night . . . no Toby.

Then, at the bottom of the cliff, just as the sun was beginning to peak, the little pile began to move. Out stretches an arm, a leg. The pile began to emerge into a tiny tree frog. Toby was alive! Awakening into a new world. He had never seen what was all around him. Everything was new! Everything was beautiful!

The light! Where did it come from? Toby had awakened in the morning. He had never experienced light before. He was a tree frog. Born nocturnal. He had only been awake at night. His world was always covered by darkness.

Toby was discovering a whole new world.

And like Toby, we, too, may be living in darkness. When we need only to open our eyes . . .to experience the light and to discover all the possibilities.

Zelix Zone has been created for the Toby in you. Your creativity, your possibilities, are endless. Remember Toby . . . and enjoy the journey.

Dedicated to my beautiful friend, Linda, who lived in the light.
