What If the Sun Forgot to Shine?

What If the Sun Forgot to Shine?

What if each of us is here for a reason . . . just as significant as the sun rising every morning, bringing us light and warmth?
If the sun forgot to shine, what an incredibly different world this would be.
Perhaps the world will be ever so different, just because of me. Wow! That is a pretty awesome thought. Just don’t know if I am big enough for that responsibility. “Me” making a difference. I feel so small, so really insignificant. What could I possibly do to make a difference to anyone?
I must start imagining. This could be really fun. Perhaps I should make it a game. No, it is not a game. This could really be serious.
I guess the astronauts, the physicians, the Nobel Prize winners started out pretty young, just like me.
I don’t really need to be rich or famous. I just need to discover me. I wonder if there is no one else just like me?
Maybe this is a game, a game of discovery. I think I am going to like this. I like just being me.
I am sort of cool. Some things I love, other things are not fun at all. Lots I would like to know more, experience more.
What a cool game to explore and to discover me. And perhaps the coolest part of it is that I do not really need to travel, to spend money, or ask others. I think the answer is within me. This is going to be fun. I will start by being really quiet . . . and listening.


I was created to just be me. Maybe I am to be rich and famous, perhaps to discover something to help many people. Whatever it is I find that is special about me, I know the journey will be the best game ever.
